In the previous video, we talked about your style purpose. Now we’re moving on to the part where you decide what you want people to know about you when they look at you.
Find your three words, three adjectives that describe the best qualities about you that you want to tell the world about. For example intelligent, creative, passionate. Dynamic, kind-hearted, strong. Inspirational, brave, compassionate.
Align your three words with your professional and/or personal purpose. Use them to help you dress every single day.
Look at the mirror and see if your style choices are sending the right message and reflecting your three words. Ask yourself, “Do I look [insert your three words]?”
Use them to decide what to wear to that important business meeting, to that date with your love interest, to that job interview. Think about your 3 words and share them in the comments below. I’d love to see what they are.